Basements are the additional rooms that are usually found on the ground floor of buildings. Wet basements can be the nightmares of many owners. But if you take a position on time, it is not a big problem to solve the problems in the basement.
Let's look at the usual basement problems that most owners face.
Stain: if the cellar door remains open for a long time, humid air can enter the basement from the outside. This reacts with the concrete walls, resulting in low condensation. The air starts to smell damp and has a high humidity. In extreme cases, the basement walls can even attack mold and mildew. This can be remedied with the help of a dehumidifier so that the basement does not have water vapor. Another alternative way is to aerate the basement to provide dehumidified air.
Water pipes with leaks/leaks - Some homes have their water pumps in their basements. The difference in temperature between the air and the pipe often causes sweating or condensation in the water pipes. This leads to dripping water pipes. This can be arranged by insulating the cold water pipes using a strip of adhesive foam or a preformed tubular foam sleeve. It is advisable to isolate the valve bodies but expose the valve handles.
Leaching: there may be multiple sources of water filtration. The water could be pushed from the outside to the inside, or the roof drain pipe could not flow out of the house, or the slope of the house could be inadequate, resulting in water being able to flow out into the house. Winery wall or high water forces water between the floor and wall connection. These conditions can cause visible spots of moisture on the wall near the floor or on the floor near the wall. In extreme cases, water can penetrate cracks in the wall. The leachate can be treated with the correct surface drainage system. The moisture in the wall can be repaired with an oil-based water-repellent paint. If the problem of leaks is too severe, you may have to opt for a pressure relief system inside the channel, where the water is collected and pumped out.